Bulli High School

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Telephone02 4284 8266



"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." Ludwig Wittgenstein

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." Dr Seuss

Welcome to the English Faculty at Bulli High School.

In studying English at Bulli High School, we aim to foster a love of learning about literature and language. We encourage students to engage with the amazing range of texts that are available to 21st century citizens. We want our students to develop an appreciation of the beauty and power of the English language in its many forms.

Through the English key learning area, we encourage students to engage with and reflect on more challenging, complex texts in order to broaden and deepen their maturing understanding of our world. In English, students develop clear and precise control of language as they compose texts for an increasingly wide range of social purposes. We want our students to be active, critical thinkers who are literate, empathetic, imaginative, reflective and creative.

The nature of English as a subject has changed quite dramatically over the past twenty years. With the advent of new technologies, we are expected to be effective decoders and interpreters of a wide range of written, spoken, visual and digital texts. As a result, we design our teaching programs around the key learning modes of:

  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Viewing and Representing
  • Speaking
  • Listening.

Our programs incorporate learning experiences that allow students to engage with Australian texts, texts from other cultures, everyday and workplace texts, Shakespearean drama, a wide array of visual texts, and a range of digital texts, including film, media and multimedia.

The English teachers are:

  • Ms Devlin (Rel. Head Teacher)
  • Mr Andrews
  • Mr Boon 
  • Ms Crawford
  • Ms Markulic
  • Ms Murphy
  • Ms Patterson
  • Ms Powell (Sports Co-ordinator)
  • Mrs Smart
  • Mr Strange ( Public Speaking & Debating Co-ordinator)
  • Ms Viravong (Head Teacher Teaching and Learning)
  • Ms Wilson

Google Classroom

Each English class has access to a Google Classroom. Teachers use this platform for a number of purposes including supplementing classwork, posting materials or creating assignments. Codes to join the relevant Google Classroom are given to students at the beginning of the school year. Students are strongly encouraged to refer to their Google Classroom on a regular basis.

Equipment List

Students are expected to bring the following equipment to each of the English lessons:

  • An exercise book (or appropriate BYOD). Students with an exercise book should ensure that it is covered with appropriate material and clearly labelled with their name, class and teacher's name.
  • A blue or black pen
  • A ruler
  • A school diary to record homework and assignments.
  • On occasion, students may be required to have their own USB for storing work undertaken on a computer.

The structure of English Classes in Years 7 – 10

A great deal of research has been undertaken into the best means of organising junior secondary classes. In order to allow students to achieve their personal best, the majority of Year 7 to 10 classes are organised into mixed ability groupings. There is one Enrichment Class in each year. This class is specifically targeted to cater for the needs of students who demonstrate a special aptitude for English. An opportunity class in each year caters for the needs of students who have been identified as having a keen interest in English. In all classes, students are expected to work to the best of their ability.

Assessment in Years 7 -1 0

Assessment is an important part of the teaching and learning cycle. The English Years 7-10 syllabus requires students to engage in assessment of, for and as learning. As a result, students complete a number of assessment tasks throughout Years 7 to 10. These tasks comprise those set by the class teacher, such as assignments, book work and homework exercises. Students also complete assessment tasks that are administered to the entire year. These tasks assess a student's speaking, listening, reading, viewing and representing, and writing skills. A copy of the assessment schedules for Years 7 – 10 can be found on the Bulli High School website.

It is expected that all students complete assessment tasks in a timely manner and to the best of their ability. Assessment forms a key component of determining a student's overall grade.

English Courses in Stage 6

At Bulli High School, we offer five English courses in the senior school. Most of our students will complete English (Advanced) or English (Standard) in order to fulfil the requirements of the Higher School Certificate.

English (Standard) is a course that provides opportunities for students to compose, reflect on and respond to a wide range of texts for different audiences and purposes.

Students study at least four types of prescribed texts drawn from: prose fiction; drama; poetry; nonfiction or film or media or multimedia texts. Students are also expected to read and view a wide range of additional related texts including those of their own choosing.

English (Advanced) is a course that provides students with opportunities to compose and respond to more challenging texts. It requires higher-order thinking and reflection. The emphasis of the English (Advanced) course is on the analysis and evaluation of texts and the ways they are valued in their contexts.

Students study at least five types of prescribed texts drawn from: Shakespearean drama; prose fiction; drama or film; nonfiction or media or multimedia. Students must also read and view a wide range of related texts including those of their own choosing.


English Studies is designed to meet the specific needs of students who wish to refine their skills and knowledge in English and consolidate their literacy skills. The English Studies course provides students with opportunities to become competent, confident and engaged communicators and to study and enjoy a breadth and variety of texts.

Students who study this course can sit for an optional HSC examination. Those who choose not to sit for the English Studies HSC examination are still eligible for the HSC if they have satisfactorily completed courses than comprise the pattern of study required by NESA.

To be eligible for an ATAR, students studying the English Studies course must complete the optional HSC examination.

It is highly recommended that any student wishing to undertake English Studies discuss the matter with Ms Devlin and Mr Harding (Careers Adviser).

Extension English Courses

Students undertaking English (Advanced) may choose, in addition, to study:

  • The Year 11 English Extension course (1 unit)
  • The HSC English Extension 1 course (1 unit) – if they have completed the Year 11 Extension course.
  • The HSC English Extension 2 course (1 unit) – if they are also studying the HSC Extension 1 course.

English Extension 1

In the Year 11 English (Extension) course, students explore ideas of value and consider who cultural values and systems of valuation arise.


English Extension 2

English Extension 2 is undertaken in Year 12. As part of the HSC English Extension 2 course, students complete a Major Work. Students must develop a sustained composition, undertake independent investigation, and document their reflection on the process.

The English Extension 2 course is assessed and examined by a Major Work which is usually submitted in Term 3, week 5. Students can complete a Major Work in one of the following categories:

  • short fiction
  • creative nonfiction
  • poetry
  • critical response
  • script – short film, television and drama
  • podcast - drama, storytelling, speeches, performance poetry
  • multimedia

Assessment in Years 11 – 12

Assessment is a crucial feature of the Year 11 and HSC Courses. Students must adhere to the rules and policies as set out in the BHS Year 11 and HSC Assessment Booklets