Bulli High School provides specialised learning and teaching for students with autism spectrum disorder in the Black Diamond Learning Centre (BDLC). The BDLC provides opportunities for up 28 students in four classes. Our goal is to assist them to reach their personal and learning potential in a supported and caring environment.
Students are referred for specialised support and placement by the Learning Support Team at their home schools. A regional placement panel determines which students are offered placement in the Centre at Bulli High School.
BDLC staff work closely and communicate regularly with each child’s support network. This strong communication assists staff to understand and achieve social, emotional, and academic outcomes for your child. Each student has their own Individual Learning Plan, where parents and staff collaborate to ensure the unique and diverse learning of each child is understood and supported.
Students study a regular curriculum pattern, with the opportunity for Life Skills learning, where necessary. During senior years, students and parents meet with the Support Teacher Transition, and write a personalised Transition Plan to post school options, catering specifically to each student’s needs.
Executive Staff
Denise James - Principal
Stuart Davidson – Deputy Principal
Jenny Kennedy - Head Teacher
Teachers School Learning Support Officers
Bethany Basman Sharon Baker
Jason Carpini Cathy Cropper
Peta Josh Elvi Dent
Lisa Treglown Tanya Sandy
Alice Gibson